[R-sig-Geo] LL from bearing and distance
Arien Lam
a.lam at geo.uu.nl
Thu Sep 27 23:10:21 CEST 2007
The following function does what Eric describes, if the earth's surface
is close enough to a sphere.
Roger, I'll try to document it properly for inclusion in Maptools.
Cheers, Arien
# compute the place where you end up, if you travel
# a certain distance along a great circle,
# which is uniquely defined by a point (your starting point)
# and an angle with the meridian at that point (your direction).
# the travelvector is a dataframe with at least the columns
# magnitude and direction.
# n.b. earth radius is the "ellipsoidal quadratic mean radius"
# of the earth, in m.
vectordestination <- function(lonlatpoint, travelvector) {
Rearth <- 6372795
Dd <- travelvector$magnitude / Rearth
Cc <- travelvector$direction
if (class(lonlatpoint) == "SpatialPoints") {
lata <- coordinates(lonlatpoint)[1,2] * (pi/180)
lona <- coordinates(lonlatpoint)[1,1] * (pi/180)
else {
lata <- lonlatpoint[2] * (pi/180)
lona <- lonlatpoint[1] * (pi/180)
latb <- asin(cos(Cc) * cos(lata) * sin(Dd) + sin(lata) * cos(Dd))
dlon <- atan2(cos(Dd) - sin(lata) * sin(latb), sin(Cc) * sin(Dd) *
lonb <- lona - dlon + pi/2
lonb[lonb > pi] <- lonb[lonb > pi] - 2 * pi
lonb[lonb < -pi] <- lonb[lonb < -pi] + 2 * pi
latb <- latb * (180 / pi)
lonb <- lonb * (180 / pi)
cbind(longitude = lonb, latitude = latb)
Roger Bivand wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Eric Archer wrote:
>> Is there a package that contains a function that will allow me to calculate
>> the ending latitude and longitude given a starting point on the earth's
>> surface and bearing and distance? I have searched the archives but have been
>> unable to find one and would like to double check before I try to roll my
>> own. Thanks for any pointers.
> Nothing for this case - azimuth for two points is in gzAzimuth() in
> maptools, so that might be a way in. There is C code for the spDistsN1()
> function in the sp package, visible in the CVS repository at the r-spatial
> site at sourceforge, but neither of these meets your need directly. If you
> do "roll your own", please consider contributing to maptools.
> Roger
>> Cheers,
>> eric
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