[R-sig-Geo] GSTAT - measurement vs microscale variation
Edzer J. Pebesma
edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Wed Oct 31 17:40:05 CET 2007
Zev Ross wrote:
> Hi Edzer,
> Very useful, thank you. You might be able to tell from my posts that
> I'm running these in parallel in GSTAT and geoR and comparing. It
> seems from your note and example that it might simply be easier to add
> a centimeter (provided a centimeter doesn't matter in the real world)
> to all the coordinates. This way one would not need to keep track of
> the different variances at coincident locations. Do you think this
> would be an acceptable approach?
> In terms of your coding, I'm a little uncertain about the meaning of
> the add.to argument and how one might code, for example, half
> micro-scale and half-measurement error. For the example you give, if
> there was a nugget of 0.1 (half micro and half measurement) does my
> coding below look correct?
> Why is fit.variogram not fitting on the model with error -- it's not
> fitting any of the models I try with measurement error?
Because both effects are collinear in the fit.
I will need to look a bit closer (meaning, in the code), as it surprised
me that fitting a "Err" effect with no nugget did not work; I think it
You can find out fit success (to some degree) by looking at the
"singular" attribute:
> myvgmB<-vgm(.5, "Exp",300, add.to=vgm(.05,"Err",0))
> fit.variogram(variogram(log(zinc)~1,meuse),model=myvgmB)
model psill range
1 Err 0.05 0
2 Exp 0.50 300
> x = fit.variogram(variogram(log(zinc)~1,meuse),model=myvgmB)
> attributes(x)
[1] "model" "psill" "range" "kappa" "ang1" "ang2" "ang3" "anis1" "anis2"
[1] 1 2
[1] "variogramModel" "data.frame"
[1] TRUE
[1] 0.0001155682
> attr(x, "singular")
[1] TRUE
> Zev
> myvgmA<-vgm(.5, "Exp",300, nugget=0.1)
> myvgmB<-vgm(.5, "Exp",300,nugget=0.05, add.to=vgm(.05,"Err",0))
> fit.variogram(variogram(log(zinc)~1,meuse),model=myvgmA)
> model psill range
> 1 Nug 0.0000000 0.0000
> 2 Exp 0.7186526 449.7581
> fit.variogram(variogram(log(zinc)~1,meuse),model=myvgmB)
> model psill range
> 1 Err 0.05 0
> 2 Nug 0.05 0
> 3 Exp 0.50 300
> Edzer J. Pebesma wrote:
>> Zev,
>> you can use the "Err" variogram model to denote micro variation as
>> opposed to nugget. The only effect it has is that for a new
>> prediction on an observation location the measurement error-free
>> process is predicted, and not the observation process itself.
>> Semivariance of an observation with itself remains zero, so it
>> doesn't allow for duplicate observations. In terms of predictions, it
>> is "as if" you predict right next to a prediction location in case
>> the prediction location coincides with an observation location
>> (implying that the predicted surface is continuous); in terms of
>> prediction variance, it is "as if" you predict for a very small
>> block, meaning the nugget is removed from the prediction variance.
>> Below is an example for the meuse data set.
>> --
>> Edzer
>> > library(gstat)
>> Loading required package: sp
>> > data(meuse)
>> > meuse0 = meuse
>> > coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
>> > # prediction at observation location:
>> > krige(log(zinc)~1,meuse,meuse[1,],vgm(.5, "Exp",300,.5))
>> [using ordinary kriging]
>> coordinates var1.pred var1.var
>> 1 (181072, 333611) 6.929517 0
>> > krige(log(zinc)~1,meuse,meuse[1,],vgm(.5,
>> "Exp",300,add.to=vgm(.5,"Err",0)))
>> [using ordinary kriging]
>> coordinates var1.pred var1.var
>> 1 (181072, 333611) 6.57884 0.1801634
>> > cc = coordinates(meuse)
>> > cc[1,] = cc[1,]+0.01 # 1 cm shift on a 5 km region
>> > coordinates(meuse0)=cc
>> > krige(log(zinc)~1,meuse,meuse[1,],vgm(.5, "Exp",300,.5))
>> [using ordinary kriging]
>> coordinates var1.pred var1.var
>> 1 (181072, 333611) 6.929517 0
>> > krige(log(zinc)~1,meuse,meuse0[1,],vgm(.5, "Exp",300,.5))
>> [using ordinary kriging]
>> coordinates var1.pred var1.var
>> 1 (181072, 333611) 6.578803 0.680188
>> > krige(log(zinc)~1,meuse,meuse0[1,],vgm(.5,
>> "Exp",300,add.to=vgm(.5,"Err",0)))
>> [using ordinary kriging]
>> coordinates var1.pred var1.var
>> 1 (181072, 333611) 6.578803 0.1801880 # same prediction, variance
>> 0.5 less
>> > krige(log(zinc)~1,meuse,meuse[1,],vgm(.5,
>> "Exp",300,.5),block=c(0.01,0.01))
>> [using ordinary kriging]
>> coordinates var1.pred var1.var
>> 1 (181072, 333611) 6.578836 0.1801594
>> Zev Ross wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I folded this question into a previous post, but I think it may have
>>> gotten
>>> missed. Just wondering if someone could tell me how, in GSTAT, one
>>> would specify
>>> the nugget as measurement error vs microscale variation in kriging.
>>> I have
>>> multiple measurements at the same location and I'd like to use these to
>>> determine the measurement error. I've figured out how to do this in
>>> geoR, but as
>>> most of my scripts are written in R using GSTAT, I'd rather use that.
>>> Thank you! Zev
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