[R-sig-Geo] plot of sp SpatialPolygonsDataFrame: col not working?

Rob Robinson rob.robinson at bto.org
Tue Oct 30 12:20:02 CET 2007

 Try the border= option in plot, I think I had a similar problem...

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Dr Rob Robinson, Senior Population Biologist
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==== "How can anyone be enlightened, when truth is so poorly lit" =====

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch 
> [mailto:r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Agustin Lobo
> Sent: 30 October 2007 11:14
> To: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] plot of sp SpatialPolygonsDataFrame: col 
> not working?
> Dear list,
> I'm plotting polygons with:
> displayDataset(GDAL.open("G:/PERU/imorm2007/test1TNT/PC1_3s.tif"))
> plot(boundary,lwd=2,col=2,add=T)
> plot(pols.ferns3,col=3,lwd=1,add=T)
> (cannot use spplot because I need the add=T) but the polygons 
> are actually black, ignoring col. I think that this is 
> because the boundaries of the polygons get displayed in 
> black, regardless of the filling color, and my polygons are 
> very narrow at this scale (which is the one I need). Is there 
> any way of changing the color of the boundaries or just not 
> displaying boundaries?
> Thanks!
> Agus
> --
> Dr. Agustin Lobo
> Institut de Ciencies de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (CSIC) LLuis 
> Sole Sabaris s/n
> 08028 Barcelona
> Spain
> Tel. 34 934095410
> Fax. 34 934110012
> email: Agustin.Lobo at ija.csic.es
> http://www.ija.csic.es/gt/obster
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