[R-sig-Geo] OT : get lat-long coordinates

Christopher Paciorek paciorek at hsph.harvard.edu
Wed Jul 11 14:28:15 CEST 2007

Hi Stéphane,

For US locations, you might try www.nationalatlas.gov, click on MapMaker (upper left) and then 'Find' (upper right). 
It allows you to search by name of geographic features. I've found some small ponds by name and state using this.


Chris Paciorek / Asst. Professor        Email: paciorek at hsph.harvard.edu
Department of Biostatistics             Voice: 617-432-4912
Harvard School of Public Health         Fax:   617-432-5619
655 Huntington Av., Bldg. 2-407         WWW: www.biostat.harvard.edu/~paciorek
Boston, MA 02115 USA                    Permanent forward: paciorek at alumni.cmu.edu

>>> Stéphane Dray <dray at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr> 07/11/07 7:17 AM >>> 
Dear list,

I have a question, not directly linked to R, but I hope that some people 
could help me. I have a paper, where there are some data that I would 
like to analyse with spatial tools. In the appendix of the paper, for 
each site, there are some data... but I do not have the spatial 
coordinates of sites, I have only the name of the site, e.g. : Blue 
Lake, WA 4. I would like to obtain coordinates (latitude and longitude) 
for these sites. All the sites are in USA and Canada. I have two questions :
-  what means the number in the address ? eg. what "4" means in Blue 
Lake, WA 4 ?
-  Do you know some sites/free tools that can be used to obtain the 
spatial coordinates ?

Thanks in advance,


Stéphane DRAY (dray at biomserv.univ- lyon1.fr )
Laboratoire BBE- CNRS- UMR- 5558, Univ. C. Bernard -  Lyon I
43, Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Tel: 33 4 72 43 27 57       Fax: 33 4 72 43 13 88
http://biomserv.univ- lyon1.fr/~dray/

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