[R-sig-Geo] Marginless plot output for georegistration of output graphics

David Forrest drf5n at maplepark.com
Wed Jan 17 17:40:16 CET 2007

On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Roger Bivand wrote:
> Although the output PNG looks nice with "+proj=longlat"-induced vertical
> stretch, I think the CRS should be reset to as.character(NA) to keep the
> original geographical coordinates aspect ratio (maybe this doesn't
> matter, the PNGs insert alike in GE).

For the quakes data example, I assigned a CRS to make use of mapasp() to 
set the png() device sizes, otherwise it thinks the lat/long is "iso"  GE 
does do a vertical stretch.  Here's an example on the NC data.

xx <- readShapePoly(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")[1],
IDvar="FIPSNO", proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66"))
        par.settings=theme.novpadding, # lattice theme from prior


if(mapasp(xx)>1)  mywidth<-myheight  /mapasp(xx)
if(mapasp(xx)<1)  myheight <-mywidth *mapasp(xx)
myheight<-myheight*(1-.045)  # key size hack

system(paste("display", tf2))

I feel really close with this, except for the key.

> Getting the background transparent is an open issue, bg="transparent" in
> xfig() doesn't help, but there is a -g color argument to fig2dev, which
> needs investigation.
> Roger
>> If anyone has lots of time to spare, a SpatialGridDataFrame device with
>> red, green, blue and alpha channels would be nice (or a GDAL MEM device,
>> or whatever).
>> Roger
>>> Dave

  Dr. David Forrest
  drf at vims.edu                                    (804)684-7900w
  drf5n at maplepark.com                             (804)642-0662h

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