[R-sig-Geo] What is the latest re: reading HDF files with R?
Rick Reeves
reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Jan 10 20:55:55 CET 2007
Good idea, Scott. I had forgotten about rgdal. Doesen't come up in the R
topic search. RR
Scott W Mitchell wrote:
> I have never done this, so may be missing something obvious, but can
> you not use rgdal ? GDAL lists HDF4 as a supported format.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On 10-Jan-07, at 14:49, Rick Reeves wrote:
>> Greetings:
>> This week I am working with HDF format files containing ocean color
>> imagery (CZCS, SeaWIFS) secured from NASA GSFC,
>> and would like to bring the image maps into the R environment.
>> One way I have done this is to use the SeaDAS software to extract a
>> 2-dim binary floating point matrix (from the HDF file)
>> and write it to disk, then use R pixmap() to read it in to a vector.
>> This works, but one loses all of the image attributes
>> contained in the HDF header. Now, it would be good to read the HDF
>> file directly into R, capturing the header attributes.
>> I have tried the R HDF5 library routine hdf5load(), which seems to
>> read the new .hdf5 format
>> but NOT the older .hdf format (I tried, unsuccessfully)
>> Question is: Has anyone developed a technique to read HDF files with R?
>> Thanks in advance, Rick R
>> --Rick Reeves
>> Scientific Programmer / Analyst
>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
>> UC Santa Barbara
>> reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
>> www.nceas.ucsb.edu
>> 805 892 2533
>> <reeves.vcf>
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Rick Reeves
Scientific Programmer / Analyst
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
UC Santa Barbara
reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
805 892 2533
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