[R-sig-Geo] cbind(SGDFone, SGDFtwo)

Edzer Pebesma edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Thu Dec 20 11:33:40 CET 2007

Ingo, the check that fails is

all.equal(getGridTopology(a), getGridTopology(b))

which should return TRUE. Could you check this for your two grids?

Ingo Holz wrote:
> Hi,
>  I want to use cbind to combine two SpatialGridDataFrames.
>  SGDFone <- cbind(SGDFone, SGDFtwo)
>  SGDFone and SGDFtwo resulted from the same SGDF they are copies
>  like SGDFone <- SGDF; SGDFtwo <- SGDF. Only the dataframe part has 
> been modified.
>  However, using cbind() I get the error message:
>  Error in stop.ifnot.equal(x, grds[[1]]) : topology is not equal
>  I checked the following:
>  table(coordinates(SGDFone) == coordinates(SGDFtwo))
>  which is True for all values.
>  and
>  fullgrid(SGDFone); fullgrid (SGDFtwo)
>  which is also True for the two SpatialGridDataFrames.
>  What else could be the reason for the error message. How can the two 
> topologies be different?
> Thanks,
> Ingo
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