[R-sig-Geo] Anisotropy in Kriging with R
Bianca Federici
bianca.federici at unige.it
Wed Oct 4 15:45:04 CEST 2006
>Dear all,
>I'm a researcher at the University of Genova,
>Italy, and I'm interested in interpolating
>methods to reproduce braided rivers, hence river with multiple channels.
>We wanted to interpolate data distributed along
>cross-sections of a river, hence with a strong anisotropy.
>Kriging methods implemented in R (gstat package)
>take into account an anisotropy direction of the
>spatial correlation between data;
>however, it's seems to us that such parameter
>has an important role in the determination of
>the variogram, but doesnt influence at all the
>interpolation algorithm that works in an isotropic way.
>Have you practice about this? If yes, do you conferm our conclusions?
>Thank you for your time
> Bianca
>Bianca Federici
>Assegnista di ricerca
>DIMSET - Dipartimento di Macchine, Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti
>Facoltà di Ingegneria
>Università degli Studi di Genova
>Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova
>tel. 010-353 2421
>fax: 010-353 2555
>homepage: http://www.diam.unige.it/obelix
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