[R-sig-Geo] Can you krige with a nominal response variable

Christopher Paciorek paciorek at hsph.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 7 00:18:00 CET 2006

I might consider using gam() in R to smooth the 0/1 indicator for each class individually based on a Bernoulli model - doing each class individually.  A downside of course is that the resulting smoothed maps of the proportions for each class would not add to one at an individual location, but they would probably be reasonably close and good enough for some basic analysis.

If you're talking about truly modeling a joint distribution for the 10 classes spatially, it's starting to sound like a more complicated modeling problem based on a hierarchical statistical model.  Not aware of any standard recipe or software for this.


Chris Paciorek / Asst. Professor  Email: paciorek at hsph.harvard.edu
Department of Biostatistics           Voice: 617-432-4912
Harvard School of Public Health   Fax:   617-432-5619
655 Huntington Av., Bldg. 2-407  WWW: www.biostat.harvard.edu/~paciorek
Boston, MA 02115 USA                  Permanent forward: paciorek at alumni.cmu.edu

>>> "Pierce, Ken" <ken.pierce at oregonstate.edu> 12/06/06 2:31 PM >>> 

Is there a method for kriging a response with multiple states, for
instance vegetation class in 10 classes? I know indicator kriging would
work for a boolean variable. Is there an extension for multiple

Kenneth B. Pierce Jr.
Research Ecologist
Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping and Analysis Team 
PNW Research Station -  USDA- FS 
3200 SW Jefferson Way,  Corvallis,  OR 97331 
ken.pierce at oregonstate.edu
541 750- 7393 

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