[R-sig-Geo] updated DCluster

Susumu Tanimura stanimura-ngs at umin.ac.jp
Fri Nov 18 03:59:21 CET 2005

Dear Virgilio and R users

It is happy to see DCluster reinforced.  If possible, please inform us
the changes whenever you updated DCluster > Virgilio
Many of us in this list may have great interest in the DCluster.

As far as my investigation,

$ diff /usr/lib/R/library/DCluster/INDEX INDEX
> lognormalEB             Empirical Bayes Smoothing using a log-normal
>                         model
> test.nb.pois            Likelihood ratio test and Dean's tests for
>                         Overdispertion

Also I found that the name of Roger had newly added in Author section
of DESCRIPTION as a contributor. 

Susumu Tanimura

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