[R-sig-Geo] Current location of the Srings object (or its replacement)?

Rick Reeves reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Dec 20 22:24:24 CET 2005

Hello all:

Following is a code sample that used the Srings class,
and which used to work before I upgraded to the
latest build of the 'sp' package and removed the
spmaptools package from my build.

Now, running this code generates the error:
Error: couldn't find function "Srings".
Even loading the spmaptools package does
not resolve this problem.

Any suggestions on resolving this issue?

Thanks, Rick Reeves

Now, R reports that
# ----------start -------------------

   Srsl <- vector(mode="list", length=length(AllSps))
# Srings object comes from sp package
   for (iCtr in 1:length(AllSps))
      Srsl[[iCtr]] <- Srings(list(Sring(AllSps[[iCtr]])), 
      if ((iCtr %% 50) == 0)
          print(sprintf("....Srings() call for AllSps: %d done...",iCtr))
print("....Srings object is made....")
   SpShapes <- SpatialRings(Srsl, pO=1:SpListCount)
print("....SpShapes Spatial Rings object is made...plot them....")
plot(SpShapes,col = "orange")

# ----------end-------------------

Rick Reeves	
Scientific ProgrammerAnalyst
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
805 892 2533

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