[R-sig-Geo] About dealing 2-byte code characters(ex. Japanese) in new maptools

Hisaji ONO hi_ono2001 at yahoo.co.jp
Fri Oct 29 05:25:07 CEST 2004

Hello, Professor Bivand.

 Thank you for updating maptools.

 I've tried to use this.

 And I've noticed this couldn't deal with Japanese
Characters, which were included dbase files.

 Former version(0.3-8),

> raildb<-maptools:::dbf.read("/railway.dbf")
> raildb
1                               JR横須賀線
2                               JR横須賀線

 In Japanese WinXP environment, these characters were
displayed correctly.

 However latest version(0.4-8),

> raildb<-read.dbf("/railway.dbf",as.is=TRUE)

> raildb$NAME[1:2]
[1] "&#8218;i&#8218;q‰。&#144;{‰&ecirc;&#144;&uuml;"    
[2] "&#8218;i&#8218;q‰。&#144;{‰&ecirc;&#144;&uuml;" 

 These aren't Japanese.

 How come?


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