[R-sig-Geo] Recent highlights?

Edzer J. Pebesma e.pebesma at geog.uu.nl
Wed Oct 20 08:12:25 CEST 2004


you could get some inspiration from the pages Roger compiled: follow
R home page -> related links -> R spatial projects.

There's a number of packages that link R to GIS, and there are a whole
bunch of packages either dealing with point patterns or with geostatistical
data. One thing we're less active in is image analysis, or did I miss

Best regards,

Frank Hardisty wrote:

>Dear R-Geo List Members,
>I'm going to the GIScience meeting in Maryland, USA next week and
>giving a demonstration on combining spatial statistics in R with
>geographic visualization in Java. 
>I've been using the spdep (for Moran's I), sp and spgwr packages (for
>GWR), so I will mention those.
>Are there any other advances in spatial analysis in R that someone
>would like me to highlight or mention? 
>-Frank Hardisty
>Frank Hardisty
>Department of Geography
>University of South Carolina
>hardisty at sc.edu
>Office -- 803-777-5729 
>Fax -- 803-777-4972
>R-sig-Geo mailing list
>R-sig-Geo at stat.math.ethz.ch

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