[R-sig-Geo] Geos library

Barry Rowlingson B.Rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Oct 6 16:15:33 CEST 2004

Timothy H. Keitt wrote:

> Yes, this is a key point. R could be converted into a pretty good GIS
> platform, but how many would use it? Perhaps better is to hook R into a
> client like UDIG (http://udig.refractions.net/). I'm imagining opening a
> UDIG session for spatial preprocessing and then attaching an R session
> with access to the UDIG data structures for model fitting. Of course,
> one would still need proxy classes covering the geotools api.

  Have you got UDIG working? I've installed (I think) the java prereqs 
and other packages, including the Eclipse stuff referred to as the RCP 
Runtime Library. However the docs then go:

  * Unzip the RCP Runtime Binary where you would like to install UDIG 0.3
  * Download UDIG 0.3 is and unzip it into your RCP Runtime Binary folder
  * Run udig and enjoy

  Yet the precise meaning of 'run udig' isn't given. There's a few jars 
here and there, but no startup shell script....


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