[R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio minimum variance optimisation under constraints

Michael Weylandt michael.weylandt at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 17:08:54 CET 2016

Hi Pierre,

I'm willing to take a look, but could you format the data in a way
that would make it a bit easier to use?

The dput() function can produce a representation which is safe for
emailing and can be read directly back into R.


On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 4:19 AM,  <pierre.lequeux at hsbc.com> wrote:
> I have when running an optimisation under constraints to derive a set of
> currency hedge ratios using the fPortfolio package.  My portfolio is made
> of 1 domestic asset (GBP) with a fix weight of 60% and 4 other non-domestic
> assets for which I have for each a currency hedged and currency un-hedged
> series with a box constraint summing up to the country weight in my
> benchmark (respectively 20% for US 10% for Euro, 5% for Japan and 5% for
> Switzerland). What I want to do is to find the portfolio that minimise the
> variance (and also the one that maximise the risk return ratio). then the
> proportionality of weights between the hedge and un-hedged asset will be my
> hedge ratio.  The code below is in respect of the minimum variance
> portfolio. I have coded a few lines and this seems to work most of the time
> but in some occasion I am returned with a vector solution where of weights
> are equal to zero. So I am obviously doing something wrong. It may be
> something trivial,  possibly the initial settings of the portfolio spec or
> the constraints,.but I can t seem to find what it is and running out of
> ideas. I would be really thankful  if someonee could take the time to
> peruse through the few below lines or point me towarda solution. I have
> tried the StackOverflow forum but did not get any answer so far.  I have
> attached  my code  and a sample of the data in the below.
>                 GBP-U         USD-U         EUR-U        JPY-U         CHF-U         USD-H         EUR-H         JPY-H        CHF-H
>  2016-05-13  0.0013866228 -0.0004015032  0.0023176509  0.004868271  0.0230163636 -0.0046939993  0.0065432710  0.0146679154  0.022040377
>  2016-05-20  0.0027094242 -0.0063831791 -0.0126106089 -0.006146676 -0.0158351590  0.0031237903  0.0045931268  0.0173505502  0.008964457
>  2016-05-27  0.0181190929  0.0140661262  0.0099806390 -0.005023782  0.0206840583  0.0223892121  0.0282165690  0.0048453909  0.033676661
>  2016-06-03 -0.0102711128  0.0081653966  0.0133194563  0.031814348  0.0092257881  0.0009701383 -0.0161380212 -0.0101505102 -0.016812484
>  2016-06-10 -0.0144639135  0.0160062120 -0.0152727781  0.008429249  0.0015983898 -0.0021260494 -0.0229890046 -0.0054785155 -0.027628141
>  2016-06-17 -0.0152295990 -0.0183599416 -0.0266861641 -0.039472434 -0.0286395252 -0.0112888146 -0.0217678087 -0.0589147494 -0.026415992
>  2016-06-24  0.0200253356  0.0317549413  0.0346147227  0.029164922  0.0401491058 -0.0166789670  0.0006268938 -0.0379679346  0.004386684
>  2016-07-01  0.0696777854  0.0620232077  0.0754752233  0.065465564  0.0704656764  0.0314514909  0.0433540129  0.0379248977  0.041482495
>  2016-07-08  0.0016753950  0.0369097752  0.0076117981  0.007834512  0.0070165833  0.0130392554 -0.0084350439 -0.0354380321 -0.006380199
>  2016-07-15  0.0118593292 -0.0037643046  0.0058939005  0.028278185 -0.0020681743  0.0144418213  0.0257127861  0.0888542585  0.015778875
>  2016-07-22  0.0092918745  0.0130552307  0.0086318585  0.001398931  0.0062780458  0.0067460116  0.0077586182  0.0070486894  0.004685162
>  2016-07-29 -0.0004646661 -0.0094042916  0.0124831676  0.025141288  0.0018086154 -0.0002180359  0.0040494413 -0.0046691781 -0.006745367
>  2016-08-05  0.0101311910  0.0160368778  0.0045395343 -0.014712256  0.0081973627  0.0040861320  0.0006639525 -0.0289135714  0.007984259
>  2016-08-12  0.0177313054  0.0125451367  0.0377475690  0.050109303  0.0322171465  0.0007342288  0.0192744848  0.0332886266  0.014216897
>  2016-08-19 -0.0086591802 -0.0121869847 -0.0131592756 -0.018946998 -0.0182591489 -0.0003056645 -0.0156054036 -0.0176744155 -0.020491089
>  2016-08-26 -0.0032629188 -0.0112907806 -0.0099742141 -0.028672792 -0.0178773544 -0.0066076557  0.0061594585 -0.0078421386  0.005324054
>  2016-09-02  0.0082322936 -0.0063800658 -0.0012434593  0.010783580  0.0006709931  0.0054516933  0.0145201246  0.0429479722  0.015518353
>  2016-09-09 -0.0172703615 -0.0222186855 -0.0031692051  0.014054238  0.0031503483 -0.0243009678 -0.0119551411  0.0001827415 -0.004089906
>  2016-09-16 -0.0105444978  0.0257113060 -0.0072348498 -0.002332981 -0.0002596633  0.0054847746 -0.0203191336 -0.0263452760 -0.015320125
>  2016-09-23  0.0294827487  0.0150126367  0.0358026791  0.041563858  0.0298489405  0.0121889694  0.0268098637  0.0263689159  0.017033142
>  2016-09-30 -0.0010620124  0.0010033756 -0.0058345738 -0.025319672 -0.0159143301  0.0014163678 -0.0060494835 -0.0215285310 -0.014212323
>  2016-10-07  0.0213392520  0.0351900327  0.0426486765  0.047394294  0.0333505051 -0.0072195144  0.0034453853  0.0210516899 -0.002539864
>  2016-10-14 -0.0050982217  0.0095672058  0.0009866843  0.004577971  0.0035956430 -0.0102205657  0.0020303997 -0.0035136735 -0.002926098
>  2016-10-21  0.0002873986  0.0004041448 -0.0029951394  0.012861688 -0.0135120432  0.0038727554  0.0087025204  0.0127856995 -0.006358163
>  2016-10-28 -0.0039917961 -0.0029823347  0.0078312950  0.013806532 -0.0053670019 -0.0070482290 -0.0052953175  0.0188646173 -0.014826428
>  require(fPortfolio)
>  spec <- portfolioSpec()
>  mydata <- as.timeSeries(mydata)
>  cons <- c("eqsumW['GBP-U']=0.6" ,"eqsumW[c('USD-U','USD-H')]=0.20","eqsumW[c('EUR-U','EUR-H')]=0.10","eqsumW[c('JPY-U','JPY-H')]=0.05","eqsumW[c
>  ('CHF-U','CHF-H')]=0.05")
>  minvariancePortfolio(list(mu=apply(mydata,2,function(x) mean(x)),sigma=cov(mydata)), spec = spec , constraints = cons)
> when running the above lines on the data I get the following:
>  Title:
>   MV Minimum Variance Portfolio
>   Estimator:         covEstimator
>   Solver:            solveRquadprog
>   Optimize:          minRisk
>   Constraints:       LongOnly
>  Portfolio Weights:
>      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>  Covariance Risk Budgets:
>  Target Return and Risk:
>  [1] 0
>  Description:
>   Mon Oct 31 11:26:35 2016 by user: 43951663
> Clearly this is not right as I have a solution when I optimise this in
> excel I get the following when I solve to minimise the portfolio risk:
>      Constraints
>  GBP 0.6000
>  USD 0.2000
>  EUR 0.1000
>  JPY 0.0500
>  CHF 0.0500
>  Portfolio   1.0000
>  Weights
>  GBP-U   USD-U   EUR-U   JPY-U   CHF-U   USD-H   EUR-H   JPY-H   CHF-H
>  0.6000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0423  0.0000  0.2000  0.1000  0.0077  0.0500
>  Portfolio Stdev 0.01562
>  Portfolio Mean  0.00424
> Kind regards
> Pierre
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