[R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio minimum variance optimisation under constraints

pierre.lequeux at hsbc.com pierre.lequeux at hsbc.com
Tue Nov 1 10:19:02 CET 2016

I have when running an optimisation under constraints to derive a set of
currency hedge ratios using the fPortfolio package.  My portfolio is made
of 1 domestic asset (GBP) with a fix weight of 60% and 4 other non-domestic
assets for which I have for each a currency hedged and currency un-hedged
series with a box constraint summing up to the country weight in my
benchmark (respectively 20% for US 10% for Euro, 5% for Japan and 5% for
Switzerland). What I want to do is to find the portfolio that minimise the
variance (and also the one that maximise the risk return ratio). then the
proportionality of weights between the hedge and un-hedged asset will be my
hedge ratio.  The code below is in respect of the minimum variance
portfolio. I have coded a few lines and this seems to work most of the time
but in some occasion I am returned with a vector solution where of weights
are equal to zero. So I am obviously doing something wrong. It may be
something trivial,  possibly the initial settings of the portfolio spec or
the constraints,.but I can t seem to find what it is and running out of
ideas. I would be really thankful  if someonee could take the time to
peruse through the few below lines or point me towarda solution. I have
tried the StackOverflow forum but did not get any answer so far.  I have
attached  my code  and a sample of the data in the below.
                GBP-U         USD-U         EUR-U        JPY-U         CHF-U         USD-H         EUR-H         JPY-H        CHF-H                   
 2016-05-13  0.0013866228 -0.0004015032  0.0023176509  0.004868271  0.0230163636 -0.0046939993  0.0065432710  0.0146679154  0.022040377               
 2016-05-20  0.0027094242 -0.0063831791 -0.0126106089 -0.006146676 -0.0158351590  0.0031237903  0.0045931268  0.0173505502  0.008964457               
 2016-05-27  0.0181190929  0.0140661262  0.0099806390 -0.005023782  0.0206840583  0.0223892121  0.0282165690  0.0048453909  0.033676661               
 2016-06-03 -0.0102711128  0.0081653966  0.0133194563  0.031814348  0.0092257881  0.0009701383 -0.0161380212 -0.0101505102 -0.016812484               
 2016-06-10 -0.0144639135  0.0160062120 -0.0152727781  0.008429249  0.0015983898 -0.0021260494 -0.0229890046 -0.0054785155 -0.027628141               
 2016-06-17 -0.0152295990 -0.0183599416 -0.0266861641 -0.039472434 -0.0286395252 -0.0112888146 -0.0217678087 -0.0589147494 -0.026415992               
 2016-06-24  0.0200253356  0.0317549413  0.0346147227  0.029164922  0.0401491058 -0.0166789670  0.0006268938 -0.0379679346  0.004386684               
 2016-07-01  0.0696777854  0.0620232077  0.0754752233  0.065465564  0.0704656764  0.0314514909  0.0433540129  0.0379248977  0.041482495               
 2016-07-08  0.0016753950  0.0369097752  0.0076117981  0.007834512  0.0070165833  0.0130392554 -0.0084350439 -0.0354380321 -0.006380199               
 2016-07-15  0.0118593292 -0.0037643046  0.0058939005  0.028278185 -0.0020681743  0.0144418213  0.0257127861  0.0888542585  0.015778875               
 2016-07-22  0.0092918745  0.0130552307  0.0086318585  0.001398931  0.0062780458  0.0067460116  0.0077586182  0.0070486894  0.004685162               
 2016-07-29 -0.0004646661 -0.0094042916  0.0124831676  0.025141288  0.0018086154 -0.0002180359  0.0040494413 -0.0046691781 -0.006745367               
 2016-08-05  0.0101311910  0.0160368778  0.0045395343 -0.014712256  0.0081973627  0.0040861320  0.0006639525 -0.0289135714  0.007984259               
 2016-08-12  0.0177313054  0.0125451367  0.0377475690  0.050109303  0.0322171465  0.0007342288  0.0192744848  0.0332886266  0.014216897               
 2016-08-19 -0.0086591802 -0.0121869847 -0.0131592756 -0.018946998 -0.0182591489 -0.0003056645 -0.0156054036 -0.0176744155 -0.020491089               
 2016-08-26 -0.0032629188 -0.0112907806 -0.0099742141 -0.028672792 -0.0178773544 -0.0066076557  0.0061594585 -0.0078421386  0.005324054               
 2016-09-02  0.0082322936 -0.0063800658 -0.0012434593  0.010783580  0.0006709931  0.0054516933  0.0145201246  0.0429479722  0.015518353               
 2016-09-09 -0.0172703615 -0.0222186855 -0.0031692051  0.014054238  0.0031503483 -0.0243009678 -0.0119551411  0.0001827415 -0.004089906               
 2016-09-16 -0.0105444978  0.0257113060 -0.0072348498 -0.002332981 -0.0002596633  0.0054847746 -0.0203191336 -0.0263452760 -0.015320125               
 2016-09-23  0.0294827487  0.0150126367  0.0358026791  0.041563858  0.0298489405  0.0121889694  0.0268098637  0.0263689159  0.017033142               
 2016-09-30 -0.0010620124  0.0010033756 -0.0058345738 -0.025319672 -0.0159143301  0.0014163678 -0.0060494835 -0.0215285310 -0.014212323               
 2016-10-07  0.0213392520  0.0351900327  0.0426486765  0.047394294  0.0333505051 -0.0072195144  0.0034453853  0.0210516899 -0.002539864               
 2016-10-14 -0.0050982217  0.0095672058  0.0009866843  0.004577971  0.0035956430 -0.0102205657  0.0020303997 -0.0035136735 -0.002926098               
 2016-10-21  0.0002873986  0.0004041448 -0.0029951394  0.012861688 -0.0135120432  0.0038727554  0.0087025204  0.0127856995 -0.006358163               
 2016-10-28 -0.0039917961 -0.0029823347  0.0078312950  0.013806532 -0.0053670019 -0.0070482290 -0.0052953175  0.0188646173 -0.014826428               

 spec <- portfolioSpec()                                                                                                                              
 mydata <- as.timeSeries(mydata)                                                                                                                      
 cons <- c("eqsumW['GBP-U']=0.6" ,"eqsumW[c('USD-U','USD-H')]=0.20","eqsumW[c('EUR-U','EUR-H')]=0.10","eqsumW[c('JPY-U','JPY-H')]=0.05","eqsumW[c     
 minvariancePortfolio(list(mu=apply(mydata,2,function(x) mean(x)),sigma=cov(mydata)), spec = spec , constraints = cons)                               

when running the above lines on the data I get the following:
  MV Minimum Variance Portfolio                                             
  Estimator:         covEstimator                                           
  Solver:            solveRquadprog                                         
  Optimize:          minRisk                                                
  Constraints:       LongOnly                                               
 Portfolio Weights:                                                         
 GBP-U USD-U EUR-U JPY-U CHF-U USD-H EUR-H JPY-H CHF-H                      
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0                      
 Covariance Risk Budgets:                                                   
 GBP-U USD-U EUR-U JPY-U CHF-U USD-H EUR-H JPY-H CHF-H                      
 Target Return and Risk:                                                    
 [1] 0                                                                      
  Mon Oct 31 11:26:35 2016 by user: 43951663                                

Clearly this is not right as I have a solution when I optimise this in
excel I get the following when I solve to minimise the portfolio risk:

 GBP 0.6000                                                                                       
 USD 0.2000                                                                                       
 EUR 0.1000                                                                                       
 JPY 0.0500                                                                                       
 CHF 0.0500                                                                                       
 Portfolio   1.0000                                                                               
 GBP-U   USD-U   EUR-U   JPY-U   CHF-U   USD-H   EUR-H   JPY-H   CHF-H                            
 0.6000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0423  0.0000  0.2000  0.1000  0.0077  0.0500                           
 Portfolio Stdev 0.01562                                                                          
 Portfolio Mean  0.00424                                                                          

Kind regards


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