[R-SIG-Finance] rmgarch - dccforecast function
alexios at 4dscape.com
Fri Mar 6 16:36:33 CET 2015
There is really not enough information to say what has happened.
It appears likely that on the window (690) you mention the model did not
converge. You should take a look at the resulting fit object,
and possibly check for non-convergence (in which case, set solver
to "gosolnp")...assuming your returns data is of reasonable size, clean
of NA's and does not have "huge" spikes/outliers.
On 06/03/2015 14:11, Fernando Martins Diniz wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I am using the dccforecast function in the package rmgarch.
> In the future I will the result to run a portfolio backtest.
> For this reason I am doing the calculations in a loop.
> rollingDCCmatrix <-
> function(data, eligibleAssets, from, to)
> {
> #Data is timeSeries of returns
> #eligibleAssets a list which contains for each loop i the assets
> names
> #Time window : from and to
> DCCmatrix <- list()
> garch11.spec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)),
> variance.model = list(garchOrder = c(1,1),
> model = "sGARCH"),
> distribution.model = "norm")
> for (i in 1:length(from)) {
> #Separating the series
> assetsNames <- eligibleAssets[[i]]
> series <- window(data[, assetsNames], start = from[i], end =
> to[i])
> #How many assets
> nAssets <- length(assetsNames)
> # The DCC specification - GARCH(1,1) for conditional
> correlations
> dcc.garch11.spec = dccspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(nAssets,
> garch11.spec) ),
> dccOrder = c(1,1),
> distribution = "mvnorm")
> # Estimating
> dcc.fit = dccfit(dcc.garch11.spec, series,
> fit.control = list(eval.se = FALSE))
> dcc.fcst = dccforecast(dcc.fit, n.ahead=1)
> loopDCC <- rcov(dcc.fcst)
> DCCmatrix[[i]] <- loopDCC
> print(i)
> }
> # Compose Result:
> ans <- DCCmatrix
> # Return Value:
> invisible(ans)
> }
> I run this function. After hundreds (690) loops I get the following error
> (and its traceback):
> Error in last(rcor(fit, type = "Q"), mo) :
> error in the evaluation of the argument 'x' in the method of selection
> for the function 'last': 'Error in 1:m : argument of length 0
> '
> 6 last(rcor(fit, type = "Q"), mo)
> 5 .dccforecastm(fit, n.ahead = n.ahead, n.roll = n.roll, external.forecasts
> = exf,
> cluster = cluster, realizedVol = fit at mfit$realizedVol, ...)
> 4 .dccforecast(fit, n.ahead = n.ahead, n.roll = n.roll, external.forecasts
> = external.forecasts,
> cluster = cluster, ...)
> 3 dccforecast(dcc.fit, n.ahead = 1)
> 2 dccforecast(dcc.fit, n.ahead = 1)
> 1 rollingDCCmatrix(Brasil_returns, eligibleAssets, Brasil_from,
> Brasil_to)
> I believe it is a strange error due to the fact I made daily windows and
> the loop just behind worked fine. The eligible assets are the same and the
> time window is the same size and have no NAs values. I looked in the source
> code but sadly I am not very good programmer to see for myself where I got
> it wrong.
> I run the R-3.1.2 and the last update of rmgach.
> Sorry for not providing a reproducible code. If it is necessary I may
> provide the data used (need one authorization first).
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Fernando Martins Diniz - martinsdiniz at gmail.com
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