[R-SIG-Finance] rmgarch - dccforecast function
Fernando Martins Diniz
martinsdiniz at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 15:11:54 CET 2015
Dear R users,
I am using the dccforecast function in the package rmgarch.
In the future I will the result to run a portfolio backtest.
For this reason I am doing the calculations in a loop.
rollingDCCmatrix <-
function(data, eligibleAssets, from, to)
#Data is timeSeries of returns
#eligibleAssets a list which contains for each loop i the assets
#Time window : from and to
DCCmatrix <- list()
garch11.spec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)),
variance.model = list(garchOrder = c(1,1),
model = "sGARCH"),
distribution.model = "norm")
for (i in 1:length(from)) {
#Separating the series
assetsNames <- eligibleAssets[[i]]
series <- window(data[, assetsNames], start = from[i], end =
#How many assets
nAssets <- length(assetsNames)
# The DCC specification - GARCH(1,1) for conditional
dcc.garch11.spec = dccspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(nAssets,
garch11.spec) ),
dccOrder = c(1,1),
distribution = "mvnorm")
# Estimating
dcc.fit = dccfit(dcc.garch11.spec, series,
fit.control = list(eval.se = FALSE))
dcc.fcst = dccforecast(dcc.fit, n.ahead=1)
loopDCC <- rcov(dcc.fcst)
DCCmatrix[[i]] <- loopDCC
# Compose Result:
ans <- DCCmatrix
# Return Value:
I run this function. After hundreds (690) loops I get the following error
(and its traceback):
Error in last(rcor(fit, type = "Q"), mo) :
error in the evaluation of the argument 'x' in the method of selection
for the function 'last': 'Error in 1:m : argument of length 0
6 last(rcor(fit, type = "Q"), mo)
5 .dccforecastm(fit, n.ahead = n.ahead, n.roll = n.roll, external.forecasts
= exf,
cluster = cluster, realizedVol = fit at mfit$realizedVol, ...)
4 .dccforecast(fit, n.ahead = n.ahead, n.roll = n.roll, external.forecasts
= external.forecasts,
cluster = cluster, ...)
3 dccforecast(dcc.fit, n.ahead = 1)
2 dccforecast(dcc.fit, n.ahead = 1)
1 rollingDCCmatrix(Brasil_returns, eligibleAssets, Brasil_from,
I believe it is a strange error due to the fact I made daily windows and
the loop just behind worked fine. The eligible assets are the same and the
time window is the same size and have no NAs values. I looked in the source
code but sadly I am not very good programmer to see for myself where I got
it wrong.
I run the R-3.1.2 and the last update of rmgach.
Sorry for not providing a reproducible code. If it is necessary I may
provide the data used (need one authorization first).
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
Fernando Martins Diniz - martinsdiniz at gmail.com
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