[R-SIG-Finance] R Shiny

Diethelm Wuertz wuertz at phys.ethz.ch
Tue Jun 10 10:23:50 CEST 2014


First Shiny App Contest in Finance and Insurance
A Satellite Event to the R/Rmetrics Meeting 
Paris, 26-­28 June 2014

The Rmetrics Open Source Association organizes the “1st Shiny 
App Contest” for web applications in Finance and Insurance 
as a Satellite Event to the 8th  R/Rmetrics Workshop held in 
Paris, 26 – 28 June, 2014. 

“Shiny makes it super simple for R users to turn analyses into 
interactive web applications that anyone can use. Users can 
choose input parameters using friendly controls like sliders, 
dropdowns, and text fields. They can incorporate any number of 
outputs like plots, tables, and summaries. Shiny makes HTML
or JavaScript knowledge obsolete. With some experience in R 
one can combine the statistical power of R with the simplicity 
of a web page.” 

We invite the subsmission of Shiny applications presenting 
innovations covering the whole spectrum of topics in finance, 
insurance and related fields. To submit your Shiny application, 
first get in contact with us, mail to: submissions at rmetrics.org. 

For the upload of your app we provide a Shiny Server. 
Submissions will be considered on a rolling admission basis, 
there is no definite deadline. 

The applications will be presented and discussed in a special 
session. The Workshop participants can judge on the best app, 
which will be honored with a certificate and a price sponsored 
by Rmetrics Association and RStudio.  

Rmetrics Association
For the Oranisation Committee
Patrick Henaff and Diethelm Würtz


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