[R-SIG-Finance] Formely known Rbloomberg package

Brian G. Peterson brian at braverock.com
Sun Jan 26 23:06:22 CET 2014

On 01/26/2014 03:59 PM, arnaud gaboury wrote:
>> I fail to see any motivation for running the Bloomberg API on a non-Windows
>> >machine, since the APi client needs to run on the same Windows machine as
>> >the Bloomberg terminal.

> I think I must maybe clarify. I am building web apps for portfolio
> with all kinds of measures/simulation/reports. The main language to
> compute is R.

Taking data from a Bloomberg terminal and displaying it in a web 
application would be a violation of the Bloomberg license.

> I need a data feed, right? I want one reliable and with
> a lot of products quotations. R has already some package to retrive
> data from Yahoo finance and many others{1]. But according to me, only
> Bloomberg or SIX[2] are worth.
> So my quest is a R package able to open connection to data vendor,
> retrieve data and close connection.
> All these things shall be OS independent and do not need any Bloomberg
> terminal, am I wrong ?

You need data from somewhere.  There are many choices.

Some require licences (Bloomberg, Reuters, TickData.com, EODdata.com, 
IQFeed, Factset, direct exchange feeds, etc.), and some do not (e.g. 
Google, Yahoo, quandl).

Many data feeds will already have a way of getting that data into R.

You were asking about the RBloomberg/Rbbg package, which uses the 
Bloomberg C API to connect to a Bloomberg terminal on Windows.

If you use a different data vendor, then your needs for accessing that 
data will be dictated by the API you choose.  Some will be able to run 
on any platform, others will be Windows only)



Brian G. Peterson
Ph: 773-459-4973
IM: bgpbraverock

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