[R-SIG-Finance] rugarch and missing data

alexios alexios at 4dscape.com
Thu Jan 26 19:48:24 CET 2012

Hi Ted,

1. rugarch does not handle missing values.
2. you should pass tick/intraday data as unnamed numeric (rugarch does 
not specifically handle intraday formatted data, so unnamed numeric is 
the the best option).
3. rmgarch is available from r-forge under the rgarch project.
and can be installed by stating that in the 'repos' argument of the
install.packages i.e.
You'll need to manually install some of the required dependencies.


On 26/01/2012 18:32, Ted Byers wrote:
> Hi all,
> I seek enlightenment.
> I am beginning to study rugarch, to get a better sense of what it can do.
> The data I am tying first is tick data for futures contracts, but I suppose
> any tick data will have similar issues.
> Here is how I am setting up my data:
> x = read.table("quotes_M11.dat", header = FALSE, sep="\t", skip=0)
> dt<-sprintf("%s %04d",x$V2,x$V4)
> dt<-as.POSIXlt(dt,format="%Y-%m-%d %H%M")
> y<- data.frame(dt,x$V5)
> colnames(y)<- c("tickdate","price")
> z<- xts(y[,2],y[,1])
> alpha<- to.minutes(z, OHLC=TRUE)
> colnames(alpha)<- c("Open","High","Low","Close")
> So, x has the raw tick data.  NB: I can get the same data, with the same
> structure, using SQL from my DB, but didn't want to complicate things.  This
> data file has but a small subsample of all the data I can work with.
> dt gets the date and time data into a single field, as a datetime object
> that to.minutes will accept.
> y gets a data.frame in which the first column is the datetime and the second
> is the price, and z gets an xts object from that.
> Finally, alpha gets one minute  OHLC data.  Not surprisingly, alpha does not
> have values for every minute of every day for which there is data in
> quotes_M11.dat
> I use alpha successfully for an analysis I do using rollapply.  That works
> great, and it doesn't seem to care that there are minutes without values.
> (I don't know that package well enough to know why, so a little
> enlightenment would be great).
> The problem I have is this.
> spec = ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "eGARCH", garchOrder = c(1,
> 1)), mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(1, 1), arfima = FALSE),
> distribution.model = "std")
> fit = ugarchfit(spec = spec, data = alpha$Close, out.sample = 0, solver =
> "solnp", solver.control = list(trace = 0))
> Error in if (all(dte[, i]<= 12)) m = i :
>    missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
> In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first
> 50)
> My reaction to this is, well of course there's missing values.  The warnings
> are about NAs being produced (In FUN(newX[, i], ...) : NAs introduced by
> coercion).
> So, I understand the error message and why it happens.  The question is,
> "What can I do about it?"
> Are any of the steps I show in my data manipulation unnecessary?  (I expect
> that they can be condensed into fewer statements, but I like to see
> precisely what each step does before I condense the code.)
> Is there another step in my data manipulation that I need to add?
> Can any of the methods in the rugarch handle raw tick data directly?
> As an aside, I saw mention of rmgarch in the documentation, but when I
> select "Install packages" from the Packages submenu, I do not see it listed.
> Is it not yet available?  If so, is rgarch the principle alternative for
> multivariate analyses (and if so, with what caveats)?
> Any enlightenment beyond what I found in the manual would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Ted
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