[R-SIG-Finance] Data (Was: TZs)

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Oct 7 19:44:46 CEST 2011

On 7 October 2011 at 12:05, Brian G. Peterson wrote:
| On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 11:12 -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > Google/Yahoo actually pay the exchanges. That came up when Google
| > started to show real-time data in an Ajax-y form (that you can easily
| > program against) and some news stories at the time reported what deal
| > Google had struck with the NYSE etc.
| Of course they paid the exchange.  So Google/Yahoo (obviously) have
| redistribution rights.
| The 'terms of use' almost certainly don't allow *you* to redistribute
| that *data* though.  Thus my comment about consulting relevant
| contracts.

Agreed. My response merely aimed to dash some cold water on your statement

   take advantage of 'loopholes' in the data pull methodologies provided by

as this is in fact not a loophole. The cgi interface at Yahoo! is fully aware
of people programming against it, and I have both supported that interface
(via the Finance::YahooQuote module in the godforsaken Perl language) for
users, and deployed it daily myself for about a dozen years. No issue there:
Yahoo pays, we get to use it, I doubt we can redistribute, consult a lawyer
for details, news at eleven.

Andrew also asked about the dissemination of derived analysis (graphs etc).
which I think that is fine because that is your work rather that their raw
data.  IANAL.


PS There was also a 'not' missing in my 'program easily against ajax-y'. It
is not easy, or we all would have 'free' quasi-real-time data now.

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