[R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg Package Problem

Cedrick Johnson cedrick at cedrickjohnson.com
Wed Mar 3 01:32:07 CET 2010

Try a google search for the package, I ran into the same issue
installing on my new workstation yesterday.


On 3/2/10, JOSH CHIEN <joshchien at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi R
> users,
> I’m using
> R on company’s computer, Bloomberg terminal.
> Here
> below is warning message as I have installed Rbloomberg and then to call
> Rbloomberg library.
> But, it
> seems not to work. How to solve for this problem ?
> thanks a lot.
> library(RBloomberg)
> Loading required
> package: RDCOMClient
> : package
> 'RDCOMClient' could not be loaded
> : Warning
> message:
> In library(pkg,
> character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc)
> :
>   there is no package
> called 'RDCOMClient'
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