[R-SIG-Finance] close value

Pasching Petra P.Pasching at investmentfonds.at
Tue Feb 23 08:13:10 CET 2010




I recently started working with RBloomberg and I mainly need historical time series. Nevertheless, I want to make sure, that the last value (close price, etc.)  is already published and not some actual intraday value for the last observation.

If I set 


conn<-blpConnect(iface="COM", timeout=12000, show.days="week",na.action="na", periodicity="daily");

data<-blpGetData(conn, "VG1 Index", "PX_LAST",start= as.chron(Sys.Date()-150),end= as.chron(Sys.Date()),barsize=NULL)


I get NAs for the bank holidays but not for the close if it has not been published yet.

Can someone help me with this?

Thanks and best regards,




Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

DI Petra Pasching
Senior Financial Mathematician
Structured Solutions & ETFs 









P.Pasching at investmentfonds.at <mailto:P.Pasching at investmentfonds.at> 



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