[R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg xts quantmod Coercion

Rich Ghazarian vsg.nyc at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 19:48:53 CET 2010

I pull the data using RBbloomberg and then I transform to xts using the as.xts

zooxts<-as.xts(eda, dateFormat="Date")

then I run a summary

> summary(zooxts)
     Index                       CL1 COMDTY       CL2 COMDTY       CL3
 Min.   :(11/28/90 08:00:00)   Min.   : 10.72   Min.   : 11.02   Min.
 : 11.33   Min.   :  NA
 1st Qu.:(03/10/95 08:00:00)   1st Qu.: 19.49   1st Qu.: 19.42   1st
Qu.: 19.31   1st Qu.:  NA
 Median :(01/19/00 08:00:00)   Median : 25.80   Median : 25.46
Median : 24.98   Median :  NA
 Mean   :(02/17/00 08:43:43)   Mean   : 36.19   Mean   : 36.25   Mean
 : 36.25   Mean   : NaN
 3rd Qu.:(12/06/04 08:00:00)   3rd Qu.: 48.79   3rd Qu.: 49.15   3rd
Qu.: 49.73   3rd Qu.:  NA
 Max.   :(01/27/10 08:00:00)   Max.   :145.29   Max.   :145.86   Max.
 :146.13   Max.   :  NA
 NA's   :2798                  NA's   :  3.00                    NA's
 :  2.00   NA's   :4807
Warning message:
In data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i) :
  some row.names duplicated:

Q1) What is the warning sign for?

Q2) What is the following error for?

Error in periodicity(x) : can not calculate periodicity of 1 observation

Thank you

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