[R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg warning message

Sergey Goriatchev sergeyg at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 16:55:23 CEST 2009

Hello, everyone

I have this very long script, where I call blpGetData many times (I
get some data, I do some computations, I output results in and Excel
file, I call some other data....)

As the code grew, I started to get the same warning message more and more often:

"Warning message:
In as.matrix.BlpCOMReturn(x) NAs are introduced by coersion"

Basically, blpGetData sometimes does not work!

This message comes up in different parts of the code (in different
calls to blpGetData), and since script is very long and runs
considerable amount of time, one such error
completely messes up the end results.

Does anyone know why blpGetData sometimes fails to execute?

Thanks in advance for help!


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