[R-sig-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Using summary function from and armafit with R2HTML
Joe Byers
joe-byers at utulsa.edu
Tue May 23 05:29:08 CEST 2006
Thank you for you suggestion, but that did not work. It is in way the
summary function uses cat to produce the pretty output. R2HTML does not
see to be able to reroute the report. I create my own
summary.fARMA.html function to produce the report.
I appreciate the help and hope the code below is useful for other
people. If Rmetrics would like to include this code please be my
guest. I just would like a citation so I can put it in my vita. :-)
The function is
##Created by Joe W. Byers, The University of Tulsa and FinancialSEAL
##This code is available under current GPL Licenses of R and Rmetrics
summary.fARMA.HTML<-function (object, doplot = FALSE, ...)
ans <- NULL
digits <- max(5, getOption("digits") - 4)
x <- object
object <- x at fit
ans$call <- object$call
ans$tsmodel <- object$tstitle
ans$residuals <- as.vector(na.omit(object$residuals))
if (length(ans$residuals) == 0) {
ans$var <- 0
if (length(ans$residuals) > 0) {
ans$var <- var(ans$residuals)
ans$sigma2 <- object$sigma2
tval <- object$coef/object$se.coef
prob <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(tval)))
ans$coefmat <- cbind(format(object$coef,digits=digits),
format(tval,digits=digits), prob=format.pval(prob,digits=digits))
dimnames(ans$coefmat) <- list(names(object$coef), c(" Estimate",
" Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
if (object$tsmodel == "ar") {
ans$aic <- (object$n.used * (1 + log(2 * pi)) + object$n.used *
log(ans$var) + 2 * length(object$coef))
if (object$tsmodel == "arma") {
ans$aic <- (object$n.used * (1 + log(2 * pi)) + object$n.used *
log(ans$var) + 2 * length(object$coef))
ans$css <- object$css
if (object$tsmodel == "arima") {
ans$aic <- object$aic
ans$loglik <- object$loglik
if (object$tsmodel == "fracdiff") {
doplot <- FALSE
HTML("Title: ")
HTML(x at title)
HTML("Call: ")
HTML(c("Model: ", object$tstitle))#, "", sep = "")
digits <- max(5, getOption("digits") - 4)
t1<-data.frame(object$coef)#copy to dataframe
t1<-data.frame(t(t1)) #traspose for reporting
row.names(t1)<-" " # rename row name
#HTML(print.default(format(object$coef, digits = digits), print.gap
= 2, quote = FALSE))
digits <- max(5, getOption("digits") - 4)
if (length(object$residuals) > 2) {
rq <- as.data.frame(t(structure(quantile(ans$residuals), names =
"1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"))))
row.names(rq)<-' '
HTML("Moments: ")
skewness <- sum((ans$residuals -
kurtosis <- sum((ans$residuals -
mean(ans$residuals))^4/var(ans$residuals)^2)/length(ans$residuals) -
stats <- as.data.frame(t(structure(c(skewness, kurtosis), names
= c("Skewness",
row.names(stats)<-" "
signif.stars <- getOption("show.signif.stars")
#HTML(printCoefmat(ans$coefmat, digits=digits, signif.stars =
signif.stars, ...))
HTML(ans$coefmat, digits=digits, signif.stars = signif.stars)
if (x at fit$tsmodel == "ar") {
t1<-data.frame(c(format(object$sigma2, digits =
digits),format(round(object$aic, digits))),
row.names=c("sigma^2 estimated as: ","AIC
Criterion: "))
names(t1)<-" "
if (x at fit$tsmodel == "arma") {
t1<-data.frame(c(format(object$sigma2, digits =
digits),format(round(object$css, digits = digits))),
row.names=c("sigma^2 estimated as: ", "Conditional
Sum-of-Squares: "))
names(t1)<-" "
if (x at fit$tsmodel == "arima") {
cm <- object$call$method
if (is.null(cm) || cm != "CSS") {
t1<-data.frame(c(format(object$sigma2, digits = digits),
format(round(object$loglik, digits)),
format(round(object$aic, digits))),
row.names=c("sigma^2 estimated as: ", "log
likelihood: ",
"AIC Criterion: ",))
names(t1)<-" "
else {
t1<-data.frame(c(format(object$sigma2, digits = digits),
format(round(object$loglik, digits))),
row.names=c("sigma^2 estimated as: ", "log
likelihood: "))
names(t1)<-" "
if (doplot)
plot.fARMA(x, ...)
HTML(c("Description: ",x at description))
Spencer Graves wrote:
> Have you tried the following:
> htmp(summary(result,doplot=false))
> If this fails, please provide a simple, self-contained
> (replicatable) example, as suggested in the posting guide!
> "www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html". Please include the package
> containing the "HTML" function. I have replied to many posts
> regarding functions I've not previously used. If you supply a simple,
> replicatable example, someone like me can try different things. This
> will increase your chances that the reply will actually contain
> working code.
> hope this help,
> Spencer Graves
> Joe Byers wrote:
>> Has anyone used the summary function for an armafit object with R2HTML?
>> For example
>> result<-armaFit(data~arma(2,0), include.mean);
>> summary(result,doplot=false); # produces a full output of the results
>> including coef stats, AIC, LL, and residual stats.
>> HTML(result); # produces on the model information and coef estimates.
>> I need the summary functions results printed to my HTML file. I use
>> the HTMLInitFile and need the insert graph capabilities. Using
>> HTMLStart does not provide the results I want. Mainly I do not want
>> a dump of my code as well.
>> Thank you
>> Joe
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