[R-sig-finance] Computing implied volatility using fOptions

Wojciech Slusarski wojciech.slusarski at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 20:58:52 CET 2005

Those options are traded on Warsaw Stock Exchange since 22.09.2003. I
have calculated all historical implied volatilities and try to compare
them with volatility forecasts. This is a very flat market, sometimes
there are only few transactions, that's why the prices sometimes are
really bad and probably that's the reason why I get such strange
implied volatilities. Unfourtunately, because of that I have problem
with comparison of those implied volatilities with volatilities
forecasts, because each observation like that in time series is
seriuosly changing the value of any forecast accuracy measure. Below I
enclose a link to the page of Warsaw Stock Exchange describing the
standard of the options:


Best regards,

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 13:29:33 -0600, davidr at rhotrading.com
<davidr at rhotrading.com> wrote:
> Seems excessive to me. Usually implied vol calcs converge in relatively few iterations with a simple NR solver. Given the accuracy and precision of the option prices, I wouldn't ask for such precision in the implieds.
> Chances are you have some bad prices, which is not unusual even in very active markets. You should probably concentrate on the out-of-the-money
> options, since they usually give more relevant information.
> (BTW, I looked on Bloomberg for these options, and it says there are no options in WIG20, either on the cash index or on the futures. Are these OTC's? If so, then, somewhat different cautions may apply.)
> David Reiner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wojciech Ślusarski [mailto:wojciech.slusarski at gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 1:15 PM
> To: r-sig-finance at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [R-sig-finance] Computing implied volatility using fOptions
> Hello,
> I have calculated the implied volatility, for the whole history of
> option quotes on WIG20 stock index on Warsaw Stock Exchange. The thing
> that is wondering me is that for some particular days I get volatility
> nearly 0 (e.g. 3.12236893483001e-11). Is it happening because the
> option was badly priced those thays (in comparison to Black-Scholes
> price) or is it a problem of the algorithm. I am usin the
> GBSVolatility() function with settings:
> tol <- 10^(-10)
> maxiter <- 100000
> Are those values good for that, or should I use some other values.
> Best regards,
> Wojtek
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