[R-sig-Epi] APC models

Enzo Coviello enzo.coviello at tin.it
Wed Mar 11 18:04:56 CET 2009

Dear listers,

I was very impressed by the paper of prof. Carstensen on Stat in Med.
2007; 26:3018-3045 about Age-period-cohort models.
In the paper (p. 3036) the annotated R file with Danish testis data used
for an example are said available at

Unfortunately R file and data are no more available at this site.
I am looking for this code and data for reproducing the results
illustrated in the paper and trying to adapt them to a project.

Can you tell me if and where R-file and data cited in StatMed paper are
actually available for download?



Enzo Coviello
Unità di Epidemiologia e Statistica ASL Bari
Piazza V. Emanuele, 14 - 70054 GIOVINAZZO (BA)
tel +39 080 3357883 - fax +39 080 3357867
mobile 347 5016016
via Imbriani, 186 - 70055 MINERVINO MURGE (BA)
tel +39 0883 695055

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