[R-sig-eco] trace-option in metaMDS (vegan)

Lea Heidrich le@@heidrich @ending from gmx@de
Tue Aug 14 14:27:35 CEST 2018

Dear list,

I have some problems understanding the meaning of “trace” within the 
metaMDS function. What does “trace” stand for, except for having the 
steps of the function displayed as in other funtions? Maybe the meaning 
has get lost in translation to my own language, and I am quite confused 
what it is used for and which values could or should be given to it.

When looking into the code of the metaMDS I see that some functions only 
start to run if the condition “if trace > 2”, including postMDS, yet 
postMDS is listed as 5^th step within the complete steps of the metaMDS 
in the description anyways. Does that mean, that the metaMDS does not 
scale the results if “trace” is not set 2 or higher? Is a postMDS not 
applicable in that situation?

Best wishes and sorry for the stupid question,


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