[R-sig-eco] Help MARS Functions

Evan Palmer-Young ecp52 at cornell.edu
Thu Feb 16 12:16:31 CET 2017

It looks like you have complete separation, meaning that some groups either
have occurrences at every observation (p=1) or for no observations (p=0).

Maybe you could combine some sites or treatments with low sample size

Fyi attachments get scrubbed from the list. A link to a cloud file might
work better

Good luck!

On Feb 16, 2017 03:26, "Miguel Cañedo" <mcanedo.fem at gmail.com> wrote:


I am using the mars.csv function to predict the occurrences of diatoms in
the Ebro basin (Spain) and I am finding some problems that I can´t solve. I
get the following error:

Creating predictions for subsets...
glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

I am attaching the predictors + species matrix (DiatomsCV.csv), the
deviance resulting from applying the mars.glm function, the MARS functions
and the R code.

Can anyone take a quick look at it? I am really stuck...

Thank you very much in advance!

*“All things that are still to come lie in uncertainty; live straightway!” *

*― Seneca <https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4918776.Seneca>, On the
Shortness of Life <https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1374471>*

*Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles*

*BETA Group, University of Vic*

*FEM Group, University of Barcelona*http://www.ub.edu/fem/index.php
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