[R-sig-eco] comparision of lsmean and significant interaction

Mehdi Abedi abedimail at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 22:13:48 CEST 2015

Dear list,
I have a basic and may simple question.
When we have two- way or three-way ANOVA or also GLM and in the following
doing compare lsmean it looks some times complicated.

What should we consider in the case of significant or non significant
interactions? What is the best strategy to have correct mean comparison?

Warm regards,


*Mehdi Abedi Department of Range Management*

*Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences *

*Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) *

*46417-76489, Noor*

*Mazandaran, IRAN *

*mehdi.abedi at modares.ac.ir <Mehdi.abedi at modares.ac.ir>*


*Tel: +98-122-6253101 *

*Fax: +98-122-6253499*

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