[R-sig-eco] diversity zones

Katia kat.emidio at gmail.com
Mon May 4 16:19:40 CEST 2015

> De: Kátia Emidio 
> Dear all,
> I am trying to create a diversiy zones based on tree species distribution,  from neighboor analysis. I identify the 20th neighboor from each one of my tree species, and counted the richness associated to each one. I also have the associated distance to each kth tree... So, my study area is 100x100 m..As I want zone areas, how can I divide this area, so it can represent the richnees found? From 265 species, I am interested to do this for 30 one, generating maps for each one.
> I though to use the Dirichlet tessellation, but it is a little hard to me, to imagine how to do it...
> Any tips is welcome!!!
> -- 
> Kátia Emídio da Silva DSc
> Eng. Florestal
> Manaus/AM
> Forestry Engineer
> Manaus/AM-Brazil

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