[R-sig-eco] Neutral Communities Simulation

Alexandre Fadigas de Souza alexsouza at cb.ufrn.br
Sat Mar 29 22:00:39 CET 2014

Dear friends,

   I have N plots in which I sampled 50 shrub species in coastal northeastern Brazil. I would like to simulate a neutral community based on the abundance distribution of the 50 sampled species. This is because I run a RDA-based variation partition on this data set but would like to do that on simulated neutral communities as well, in order to better interpret the results.

   What are the best ways to do that, in your opinion?

   Thank you very much in advance,


Dr. Alexandre F. Souza 
Professor Adjunto II, Departamento de Ecologia  Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Caixa Postal 1524, Campus Universitario Lagoa Nova
CEP 59078-970 http://www.docente.ufrn.br/alexsouza  Curriculo: lattes.cnpq.br/7844758818522706

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