[R-sig-eco] FW: betadisper

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Tue May 14 16:45:47 CEST 2013

On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 14:50 +0000, SILVIA CALVO ARANDA wrote:
> Dear all
> I'm using betadisper () to evaluate if geographical and historical
> heterogeneity differ statistically between two archipelagos. I have
> not problems in obtaining the results for the geographical hypothesis
> (computing the Euclidean distance between UTM centroids of each
> island), but for the historical hypothesis the following message
> appears:
> Error en vectors[, want, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eig))) : 
>   argumentos no compatibles

Assuming I translate that correctly, it means `vectors[, want, drop =
FALSE]` and `diag(sqrt(abs(eig)))` have dimensions that do not match ofr
the requirements of the matrix multiplication operation.

Can you send me the data and code you are using - **off list** - and
I'll take a look and see what is going wrong?


> I calculate the historical triangular matrix computing the Euclidean
> distance between the oldest geological age of each island (all of them
> are from volcanic origin). I've also tried calculating just the
> difference in mya between all pairwise comparisons of islands, which
> gives basically the same results (but with different scaling).
> Can anybody help me with this problem?
> Thank you in advance
> Silvia 		 	   		   		 	   		  
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 Dr. Gavin Simpson             [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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