[R-sig-eco] Displaying estimators from specpool or estimateR

Jari Oksanen jari.oksanen at oulu.fi
Fri Jan 21 15:39:57 CET 2011

On 21/01/11 15:32 PM, "Martin Unterseher"
<martin.unterseher at uni-greifswald.de> wrote:

> Dear Jari,
> thank you for your help. The plots are fine and really valuable.
> However, when I tried to generate a Sweave-based file, all plot()
> commands following poolaccum() (e.g.
> \begin{figure}
> <<fig=true>>
> pool.data<-poolaccum(data)
> plot(pool.data)
> @
> \end{figure}
> resulted in empty or corrupted pdf files. I solved this problem by
> manually saving the poolaccum- plots as pdf and including them in the
> resulting .tex file. Some time-consuming handwork, but ok. So there is
> no urgent need for response.

This is a quick guess: I haven't checked this. However, I think you should


If you create the fig within latex figure environment, you should only have
the figure, but now you also echo the commands in the same environment.

Cheers, Jari

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