[R-sig-eco] Random or Repeated

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 15:14:31 CET 2011

Kyle Hernandez <kmhernan at ...> writes:

> Hello all,
> I am building some mixed models using QTLs for several traits. 
> This basically gets at the underlying
> genetic architecture.  However, I have a Recombinant Inbred 
> Line (RIL) breeding design grown across 5
> environments. There are a couple issues I have: 
> 1. Each RIL is not truly independent from one another
>  (some are more closely related than others)
> 2. Can measuring traits for a RIL across several environments 
> be considered "repeated" measures?

  I would definitely ask this question on the r-sig-mixed-models
list.  There are several packages (kinship, pedigreemm) for dealing
with varying degrees of relatedness in mixed models.
  Ben Bolker

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