[R-sig-eco] polar plot mappng

Fraser Smith f.smith at utoronto.ca
Tue Jul 8 20:35:16 CEST 2008

Dear list members,
I am very new to R, so apologies for the broad nature of these  

I am currently attempting to run through some of my data from the  
Yukon Territory analyzing spatial layout of live/dead trees and stumps  
following partial stand harvesting.
The surveying of these trees involved circular plots with a 20m fixed- 
radius. Recordings for location involved a laser range-finder and  
electronic compass, and therefore all records have distance- (0-20  
from centre) and bearing- values (0-360 degrees) to pinpoint location.  
In order to plot and analyze this data, I wish to use the distance and  
bearing values as they are for a measurement from a center point,  
instead of converting to an x-y coordinate system or transforming the  
data into radians etc.
I am wondering if anyone could recommend any resources, functions,  
packages, search terms, etc. for effectively 'mapping' these stems?

Also, while visualizing this data is a first step, I would like to  
later incorporate rose diagrams/circular statistics for tree fall  
direction, prevailing winds, slope, aspect, etc as an overlay or  
direct comparison to these plot maps. Essentially, I suppose I want to  
get R to think in polar plot coordinates instead of cartesian  
coordinates for this data
Any help with resources on these procedures specifically related to R  
would be greatly appreciated.

Fraser Smith

MScF student
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
f.smith at utoronto.ca

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