[R-sig-dyn-mod] a simulation using base R code

YA x|nx|813 @end|ng |rom 126@com
Tue Jul 14 11:42:22 CEST 2020

hi Tom,

Thank you very much for the information. The output using deSolve is indeed a lot nicer, however, I still have not get what I expected. So as the hehavior increases it consumes more resource, as the resource decrease the increase of behavior should be slow down, which results in a flat curve of the behavior. Namely, the resource plays as a limiting factor for the growth of the behavior, so that the behavior would not be increasing exponentially forever.

My new code looks like below:

# model 1
                inf.beh=behavior*inprob.beh; outf.beh=behavior*outprob.beh; netf.beh=inf.beh-outf.beh;
                inf.res=resource*inprob.res; outf.res=resource*outprob.res; netf.res=inf.res-outf.res;
out=ode(y=stocks,parms = auxs,time=simtime,func=myfun)

To connect the relationship between the behavior and resource, I used 'resource=sqrt(behavior);' I saw reference that sqrt() can be helpful for limiting growth, but it seems not working in my situation. Any other moves?

A successful code looks like this:

# model3
                s.econ=a.labor*sqrt(s.machine); # connect two stock variable into a relationship
out=ode(y=stocks,parms = auxs,times=simtime,func=myfun)

Thank you very much.

best regards,


------------------ Original ------------------
From:                                                                                                                        "Special Interest Group for Dynamic Simulation Models in R"                                                                                    <tom.shatwell using ufz.de>;
Date: Sun, Jul 12, 2020 08:29 PM
To: "r-sig-dynamic-models"<r-sig-dynamic-models using r-project.org>;

Subject: Re: [R-sig-dyn-mod] a simulation using base R code

Hi JA,

the problem might be that you are adding the two terms in the inflow. 
There should be some multiplicative term to make them dependent. Try 
simulating longer than 10 time units too.

You might like to try using the deSolve package. It's much better than 
just using differencing loops. I didn't really get exactly what you are 
trying to model, but there is some code below that would do something 
similar - just adapt as necessary.

Cheers, Tom

# parameters
pars <- c(p1=0.02, p2=0.01, p3=-0.05)

# model
model <- function(t, state, parms) {
   with(as.list(c(state, parms)), {

     # rates
     flow.stock <- stock*p1+resource*p2 # inflow
     flow.resource <- stock*p3 # outflow

     # derivs
     dstock <- flow.stock * stock
     dresource <- flow.resource*resource

     list(c(dstock, dresource), c(flow.stock=flow.stock, 
# initial state
y <- c(stock=1, resource=5)

# times
unit <- 1/8
times <- seq(0,10,by=unit)

# simulation
out <- ode(y = y, times = times, func = model, parms = pars)


On 2020-07-12 12:07, YA wrote:
> hi Jingsong,
> Thanks for the quick response.
> How come the two loops are independent? I specified the following:
> &gt; flow.stock=stock*0.02+resource*0.01 # inflow
> &gt; flow.resource=stock*(-0.05) # outflow
> So that the flow.stock and flow.resource be influenced by each other. Why they didnt work?
> YA
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From:                                                                                                                        "Jinsong Zhao"                                                                                    <jszhao using yeah.net&gt;;
> Date:&nbsp;Sun, Jul 12, 2020 04:20 PM
> To:&nbsp;"YA"<xinxi813 using 126.com&gt;;
> Subject:&nbsp;Re: [R-sig-dyn-mod] a simulation using base R code
> On 2020/7/12 15:56, YA wrote:
> &gt; Dear list,
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; I am trying to simulate a system dynamics model with two state variables, stock and resource. I expect that as the resource draining out, the inflow of stock would decrease, then the increase of the stock would be slow down, but still keep increasing the outflow of the resource. So the system would eventually runing out of resource and the curve of the stock would getting flat. However, the simulation result is not consistent with my hypothesis. Could you give me some advice please? I used the base R code without any system dynamics package, is that ok? or do I need to use the function in the package to get the simulation results?
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; Here is a reproducible code:
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; stock=1
> &gt; resource=5
> &gt; flow.stock=stock*0.02+resource*0.01 # inflow
> &gt; flow.resource=stock*(-0.05) # outflow
> &gt; unit=1/8
> &gt; resource=resource+flow.resource*resource
> &gt; stock=stock+flow.stock*stock
> &gt; for (i in 1:length(seq(1,10,by=unit))) stock[i+1]=stock[i]+flow.stock*stock[i]
> In the above line, flow.stock is not changed.
> &gt; for (i in 1:length(seq(1,10,by=unit))) resource[i+1]=resource[i]+flow.resource*resource[i]
> In the above line, flow.resource is not changed.
> you use two independent loop to calculate each variable. however, in the
> system you hope to simulate, both are coupled.
> Please read some introduction materials about modeling in R, for
> example, Soetaert, K., and Herman, P.M.J. (2009). A practical guide to
> ecological modelling: using R as a simulation platform (Dordrecht:
> Springer).
> Best,
> Jinsong
> &gt; stock=c(3,stock)
> &gt; resource=c(5,resource)
> &gt; dat=data.frame(id=1:length(stock),time=c(0,seq(1,10,by=unit),10+unit),stock,resource)
> &gt; dat
> &gt; plot(dat$stock)
> &gt; lines(dat$stock)
> &gt; lines(dat$resource)
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; Thank you very much.
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; Best regards,
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; YA
> &gt; 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> &gt;
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Dr. Tom Shatwell
Department of Lake Research
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
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