[R-sig-dyn-mod] to model the cross-diffusion term

胡艺 @tevenhuyi @ending from gm@il@com
Thu Dec 13 03:19:15 CET 2018

Sorry, guys. I intended to use a SIR model, so the code is

SIR2D <- function (t, y, parms)  {
  S  <- matrix(y[1:N^2], N, N)
  I  <- matrix(y[N^2 + 1:N^2], N, N)
  R  <- matrix(y[2*(N^2) + 1:N^2], N, N)

  infect <- beta * I * S
  recovr <- nu * I

  dS <- -infect +tran.2D(S, dx = dx, dy = dy, D.x = D1, D.y = D1)$dC
+  tran.2D(I, dx = dx, dy = dy, D.x = D2, D.y = D2)$dC
  dI <- infect - recovr  + tran.2D(I, dx = dx, dy = dy, D.x = D3, D.y =
  dR <- recovr + tran.2D(R, dx = dx, dy = dy, D.x = D4, D.y = D4)$dC
  list(c(dS, dI, dR))


Yi Hu, MD, PhD, Lecturer
Dept.of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Fudan
Office:Room 443, Building 8
Address:No. 130 Dong'an  Road,Shanghai,China

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