[R-sig-dyn-mod] Simulation diffusion in R

Martha.Serrano at unil.ch Martha.Serrano at unil.ch
Thu Nov 17 11:06:29 CET 2011

Dear Thomas

Thanks for your new walk-barrier simulation. And now, I am
registered to the mailing-list. It is very similar to my
expected simulations, and I appreciate some important

It is possible to assign "partial" barriers, allowing small
(or large) population interchange across the barrier and,
also is possible to remove it at all after a time. With the
use of integer steps, I see we lost the options of
an angle to drive the movement and different "speed" for it.
Specially the possibility of change speed could be important
for my simulation.
I modified the barrier position (horizontal or vertical) and
noted that there is not a direct link with the population
identity, then I just modified it by population$genotype.
Could I have an option for assign randomly the position
(initially complete)of the barrier and to concatenate this
with individual identity. I remark that is also useful the
manual assignation to see diffusion of the two populations
in absence of barriers. 

A final question this time, I want to extract the spatial
coordinates and population state of each point at final
time, I tried to assign an "out" function to time 300 for
the observer, however I did not work. 

Thanks for your collaboration and time, I understand some of
my questions could be so basic, but my current background in
programming is almost null. 

Best regards, 

Martha Serrano

Martha Liliana Serrano Serrano
Doctoral Student
Biophore, Bureau 4305
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

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