[R-sig-Debian] Issues with Ubuntu 22.04 and Installing the Latest Version of R (R 4.4.1) to Docker Image

m@rcobi@@chette m@iii@g oii icioud@com m@rcobi@@chette m@iii@g oii icioud@com
Mon Jul 8 21:32:30 CEST 2024

Oh, again, sorry for the spam but the problem Lauren is seeing is when she is trying to sign the key. Installing gnugpg  usually takes care of that problem.

From: marcoblanchette using icloud.com <marcoblanchette using icloud.com>
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:26 PM
To: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org>
Cc: Gerber, Lauren J <lauren.gerber using helsinki.fi>, r-sig-debian using r-project.org <r-sig-debian using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Debian] Issues with Ubuntu 22.04 and Installing the Latest Version of R (R 4.4.1) to Docker Image
And sorry for the spam, but I meant to say that the Dockerfile is basically following the steps from https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/ as Lauren was trying to do but start by installing the pre-requisites needed to deploy the r-base package on a Ubuntu 22.04 Docker image (which is NOT a base 22.04 but a minimally striped version of 22.04).

From: marcoblanchette using icloud.com <marcoblanchette using icloud.com>
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:21 PM
To: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org>
Cc: Gerber, Lauren J <lauren.gerber using helsinki.fi>, r-sig-debian using r-project.org <r-sig-debian using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Debian] Issues with Ubuntu 22.04 and Installing the Latest Version of R (R 4.4.1) to Docker Image
Hmm? It’s picking up the pre-made binary from ppa:marutter/rrutter4.0  using apt-get install. Isn’t it what Lauren’s trying to do?

From: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org>
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 11:57 AM
To: marcoblanchette using icloud.com <marcoblanchette using icloud.com>
Cc: Gerber, Lauren J <lauren.gerber using helsinki.fi>, r-sig-debian using r-project.org <r-sig-debian using r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Debian] Issues with Ubuntu 22.04 and Installing the Latest Version of R (R 4.4.1) to Docker Image

On 8 July 2024 at 16:37, marcoblanchette using icloud.com wrote:
| Lauren, here’s my Dockerfile I use to build r-base from the repos, it builds on both Arm64 (Mac with Apple M2 chip) and Amd64 (AWS m5.4xlarge instance running Ubuntu 24.04). I rebuilt the docker image this morning and it builds fine with R 4.4.1

That's very kind but recall that Lauren wants _a pre-made binary_ of R.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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