[R-sig-Debian] Unable to update r-cran-sf

Ege Rubak rub@k @end|ng |rom m@th@@@u@dk
Fri Sep 10 12:42:39 CEST 2021


I'm an absolute fan of binary packages provided by c2d4u.team, and try
to install as many packages as possible this way. This includes the
Rspatial suite of packages with r-cran-sf as the main building block.
This has worked out of the box on Ubuntu 20.04, but recently I noticed
that my sf installation was out of date. Trying to update I get the
following error:

$ sudo apt install r-cran-sf
[sudo] password for rubak: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 r-cran-sf : Depends: libgdal28 (>= 3.1.0) but it is not installable
             Depends: libgeos-c1v5 (>= 3.9.0) but 3.8.0-1build1 is to
be installed
             Depends: libproj19 (>= 7.1.0) but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

How do I best update libgdal, libgeos and libproj to required versions?
Does anyone know how it is handled by the machine used by c2d4u.team?

[This tutorial][1] mentions that it is recommended to use [UbuntGIS
PPA][2] for spatial packages in R, but warns that it doesn't work with
the binaries provided by c2d4u.team.

Any suggestions of how to approach this? I really want to stay as close
as possible to plain Ubuntu binaries and the binaries provided by


[2]: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis

Ege Rubak, Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University
Skjernvej 4A, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
Phone: (+45)99408861
Mobile: (+45)30230252
Email: rubak using math.aau.dk

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