[R-sig-Debian] Installing TMAP in R Studio on Linux Mint

Abed W. Ayyad abdulhadi.ayyad at uclmail.net
Sun May 31 08:48:39 CEST 2015

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On 31 May 2015 at 09:43, Abed W. Ayyad <imraualkays at gmail.com> wrote:

> To the R-Sig-Debian list:
> Hello, this is my first post to the list and I hope that making it short
> and swift does not make it come across as abrupt or rude.
> I'm having trouble installing the TMAP package on R-Studio on my build of
> Linux Mint. I was able to narrow this down to the lack of the libgeos-dev
> library, which I tried to install via the terminal, but I constantly get
> the "unable to locate package" error. I've also changed/added repositories
> several times over the past week or so.
> Is there anything that can be done for this problem? Has the libgeos-dev
> library been taken off of the repositories?
> Best regards,
> Abed Ayyad
> --
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> http://notesfromdoha.blogspot.com/

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