[R-sig-Debian] String Kernel for R 3.1.1

Johannes Ranke jranke at uni-bremen.de
Tue Sep 30 20:44:02 CEST 2014

Dear Ali,

Obviously the stringkernels package is not maintained any more, at least it 
has been removed from CRAN:


You could try to download the latest version from the archive and install it 
from source using the command line

  R CMD INSTALL stringkernels_0.8.9.tar.gz

but you need r-base-dev installed and maybe additional dependencies, and even 
then it may not be compatible with current R versions.

Kind regards,


Am Dienstag, 30. September 2014, 20:09:24 schrieb Ali Youssef:
> Dear all ,
> May you inform me how  to use the function of gapweightkernel() from
> stringkernel Library . where the library is not for R 3.1.1 . I am using R
> 3.1.1 .
> sincerely
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