[R-sig-Debian] How to set symbolic link correctly so that LaTeX finds Sweave?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri May 25 19:19:57 CEST 2012


I don't mean to brush you off here but this thread no longer has anything to
do with 'R on Debian'.  I can recommend the http://askubuntu.com site for
generic Ubuntu questions, and there is also http://tex.stackexchange.com for
latex questions.


On 25 May 2012 at 18:57, Marius Hofert wrote:
| >  'r-base-dev' should give you everything you need to use CRAN; the build-dep
| >  are only needed if you build R from source, which you should not have to.
| Martin Maechler suggested it at some point (we develop "copula") -- not
| sure anymore why.

I recall talking about related issues with him years ago. There may have been
a depends missing in r-base-dev.  In any event, the build-deps don't hurt :)

| In principle, I agree. However, there are certain things that are simply
| not possible with older versions of software packages (due to
| org-contacts for example, I need emacs-snapshot).

I also used emacs-snapshot (pre emacs-23 I think) and you will be pleased to
learn more about so-called PPA ("personal package archives") on Launchpad. I
am fairly certain you can get emacs-snapshot there too -- I have a bunch of
repos added, just how CRAN / his PPA give us current R binary packages
(thanks to the work of Michael who rebuilds my Debian packages).

In short, you really only need to manually rebuild obscure packages. For
other, apt-get rules.

And lastly, you're stretching the argument somewhat by mentioning that you
need emacs-snapshot when I ask why you replaced texlive ....

| Something I don't understand: I specified Sweave.sty (via the link) from
| the 2009 basic TeXLive installation and it still did not work... (that's
| why I wasn't sure I installed R/TeX correctly and that's why I gave the
| information above).

That is now entirely a Tex / Latex / texlive issue.  You may have to go
somewhere else.  I looked into this almost 20 years when I still mod'ed style
files etc and wanted the path automated.  "Normally" your best bet is a
simple folder under /usr/local -- check the texhash docs, ask on
tex.stackexchange.com etc pp.

Good luck, I am sure you will get it sorted out.  But if you could, please
stop following up on the R-on-Debian-and-Ubuntu list as this is not an R
issue anymore.

Regards,  Dirk

Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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