[R-sig-Debian] demography's lifetable: how to incoporate the parameter "franction of last age interval of life"

Michael Rutter mar36 at psu.edu
Sun Apr 10 20:19:27 CEST 2011

On 04/10/2011 06:18 AM, Ethan Chang wrote:
> Dear list:
> I have tried demography package in my Ubuntu(10.04). What I interested in was lifetable analysis. Chiang(1984)'s reference have been copied to steeper my learning curve. step by step, the example presented by the textbook also have been examined.
> In the course I find that the paramter "fraction of last age intervl of life" could not be take as a option in the module "lifetable" or "life.expectancy".
> Could you give some suggestion on how to take count of this parameter?
> Sincerely
> Ethan Chang


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Dr. Michael A. Rutter
School of Science
Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Station Road
Erie, PA 16563

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