[R-sig-Debian] problems building and installing some packages in 'unstable'

Sebastian P. Luque spluque at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 21:38:38 CET 2008

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 21:14:12 +0100,
Johannes Ranke <jranke at uni-bremen.de> wrote:


> In R 2.6.1-1, there was a libRblas.so on amd64, but it went away with
> R 2.6.1-2. So if an installation of KernSmooth linked to it, it's no
> wonder it's not working properly.

That is spot on!  Locally installing KernSmooth and mgcv from CRAN, and
building them under my current 2.6.1-2 R, allowed installation/build of
the 2 packages to proceeded smoothly.  In fact, the only two references
to libRblas.so given by ldd /usr/lib/R/library/*/libs/*.so were from
KernSmooth and mgcv (and of all packages, diveMove and tripEstimation
need them!).

Thanks everyone for the input, I'm back in business now.


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