[R-sig-Debian] R 2.5.0 packages for Debian stable/etch

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Mon May 14 23:56:22 CEST 2007

On 14 May 2007 at 21:42, Ivailo Stoyanov wrote:
| Johannes Ranke <jranke <at> uni-bremen.de> writes:
| > 
| > Dear list,
| > 
| > R 2.5.0 packages for Debian stable (i386 and amd64) are now available
| > from CRAN.
| > 
| > The new recommended codetools and rcompgen packages haven't completely
| > made it to Debian yet, but can of course be installed in the standard 
| > non-Debian ways.
| > 
| > Please consult the README file in the Debian directory, and report
| > problems to me directly or to this list.
| Dear Johannes,
| your first R-build (without codetools and rcompgen) uploaded at CRAN
| worked just fine, and when I discovered that you have provided another
| build including both above-mentioned packages, I have upgraded flawlessly.
| However, I have noticed that rcompgen installed under
| /usr/lib/R/site-library, unlike all the other recommended packages.
| Is this intended behaviour or a bug in the backport-packages?

Can't speak for Johannes, but I recently altered debian/rules such that this
location should be automatically determined based on whether or not
'Priority: Recommended' is found in the upstream DESCRIPTION file.  So it may
also just be inconsistency at the CRAN end...

| Otherwise everything works OK sofar, and (last but not least) I'd like to
| thank you for providing the R backports to Debian R-users!



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