[R-sig-Debian] Poll: Does R_PAPERSIZE in /etc/R/Renviron matter?

Robert King Robert.King at newcastle.edu.au
Tue Oct 24 05:55:35 CEST 2006

I use it.


On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:36, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> A heuristic runs via the r-base-core package postinst. It is intended
> to use the result from Debian's paperconf(1) toool, and to update the R
> environment variable R_PAPERSIZE accordingly.  This apparently broke some
> time ago when R changed to a dual variable setup, and my regexp didn't
> notice.
> Does anybody use this, or is it ok if I simply disable this in Debian?  In
> that case we simply do what everybody else does, so you all get to live by
> the 'letter' setting that comes from my compile-time choice.  It is easy
> enough to override either in /etc/R/Renviron or in ~/.Renviron.
> Opinions either way? Let me know. For now, I intend to simply comment this
> out in the next release (presumably a rc for 2.4.1).
> Thanks, Dirk

Robert King, Statistics, School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences,
University of Newcastle, Australia
Room V133  ph +61 2 4921 5548
Robert.King at newcastle.edu.au   http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/~rking/

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